12/20/2018 - Wizard Progress Bar

This is a technical write up of a wizard progress bar component.
I'm Focusing on animating the component.
What's in it?

demo - Try Me!

Above is a working version of the Wizard progress bar component.
Try navigating next / previous, and adding / removing steps.


The HTML structure is barebones.

  1. There is an outer div for the wizard progress bar component.
  2. Inside the wizard are all of the progress bars points.
  3. Each point has a dot which indicates where the user is at.
  4. Each point has a label which is centered over the dot.
  5. Every point after the first has a line that is positioned before the dot.
  6. Inside each line is an internal div that indicates progress as the wizard is navigated.

  <div class="wizard">
    <div class="point selected">
      <div class="label">test 1</div>
      <div class="dot"></div>
    <div class="point">
      <div class="label">test 2</div>
      <div class="dot"></div>
      <div class="line"><div></div></div>
    <div class="point">
      <div class="label">test 3</div>
      <div class="dot"></div>
      <div class="line"><div></div></div>
The above code looks like this:


As a user navigates the wizard progress bar a point is marked as selected.
This is all of the information needed for the stylesheet.


Core concept:
By default if no point is selected the state of the progress bar is green.
All of the line segments internal divs are width 100%.

In practice the bar is never put into a state where no point is selected.

When a point is selected:

  1. Set the background color of the selected dot to white.
  2.   background-color:white;
  3. Set the background color of all dots after the selected point to blue.
  4.   .wizard .point.selected ~ .point .dot{
  5. Set the width of the lines internal divs to 0% after the selected point.
  6.   .wizard .point.selected ~ .point .line div{

The tildes "~" denote a general sibling combinator and are supported back to Internet Explorer 7.

Here is a labeled pic of what's going on.


CSS transitions are used to animate state change.

  1. In this case when the background color of a dot changes.
  2. .wizard .point .dot{
      transition:background-color 0.5s;
  3. And when the width of the internal line div changes.
  4. .wizard .point .line div{
      transition:width 0.6s;

The above snippets are all the code needed to animate the progress bar.

CSS Transitions:


That's all I want to cover today.
Hopefully I showcased some concepts that are useful for component creation.
By using basic html, class selectors, and css transitions; you can create interesting visual interactions.

CSS can do a lot of things that traditionally you might have used javascript to manually manipulate.